Saturday, July 2, 2022

If you believe you recieve

So I came upon a huge Discovery today huge because this will change my whole life I think but I can't forget about it so I realized that if you choose to believe something and it's a choice if you choose to believe something that's the way you'll see it no matter what the situation is I never f****** realized that before I have to believe in myself I have to believe in myself and then what I want cuz I often will say what I think other people want to hear you know because I don't want to tell him what I really think because what I really think is that and I don't trust that you know so I don't trust myself at all but if I choose to start thinking good thoughts about myself I might believe that too which would change the way I see things and I feel like this is a game changer for me because I just never realized it before and I'm sure I sound like a f****** crazy person man crazy like losing my mind crazy but I don't know I'll read it later and see I don't know f*** f*** f*** so what I was saying was oh my God I can't believe I have to go I'm going to start with this one those were very good thoughts so oh my God even the little things I'm so high but if you believe in them you will receive you know it's taking me all this time to get here how did it take me all this time to get here so I have to be honest for one thing cuz I can't believe in myself if I'm lying to people because I know there are certain people like you who can tell when I'm lying but you have to be honest because if you're not honest you know that you're not being honest and the other person will know you're not being honest you know but you can't change what's in their control this sounds crazy because I have taught this for 20 f****** years and not only in my professional life but with the people I love and I've been learning this with them

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