Saturday, April 30, 2011

It krept in

This sadness kind of crept in and filled up all the cracks when I wasn't looking. It's ugly and sad and makes me look ugly and sad. I have so many things to be greatful for yet I am sad. There in lies the problem, we have to find the happiness in our lives or we won't ever know that it's there. Start by being greatful. Then decide what your future is going to look like. I'm going to have to get something to take care of all the ugliness around here though.
I will buck up, tomorrow is bound to be a better day.

1 comment:

  1. I used to have all-consuming sadness like that which seemed to come out of nowhere. For me, as I was able to identify why I was sad - not just the general "because of what happened in the past", but actually know which part of me was reacting to which particular trigger - I've been able to keep the hopeless feeling out of sadness. It has made all the difference.

    I hope for you to find the same kind of control over your emotional wellness.
