Friday, March 13, 2009

It feels like an old friend

I have been having some trouble with my emotions lately. If you don't believe me read my last few posts here. Depressing. So finally I went in to the doctor and requested to be put back on antidepressants. I can't begin to know the effects yet as I am on day 4 of taking them but if the last couple of days have been any kind of representation of what I'm in for I'm gonna do just fine.

I want to add real quick that I wouldn't be where I am today if it weren't for a few specific people in my life. First my children have done so much to help me. Second my cousin perry who introduced me to a whole new life, I will be forever greatful for that. Third I have 3 friends who have done so much to change the way I see my life and myself. John, Tony, and Gina I see more changes in myself everyday because of the courage your friendship has brought into my life. And last but not least my sister hilary who is always there to listen, even when she really doesn't want to. Thank you all, I love you with all my heart.


  1. I love your sister, too :)

    and I'm really enjoying your writing.

  2. she is an amazing one, isn't she?

