Wednesday, May 17, 2023
my love
Saturday, April 29, 2023
stuff I need
Sunday, April 9, 2023
Friday, March 31, 2023
the whale
Tuesday, March 28, 2023
What the fuck?
I don't think you read this anymore. I have felt a definite emptiness here and on your "number". I don't think you are listening to me at all. In any way. You hate me know and you have another girlfriend that is moving in with you. Was this like when you were going to meet me, or when you were going to marry candy? Or more like when you were going to meet angel and went so far as to buy a ticket to come see you. Or all the times that Shasta was waiting in a hotel for you? I don't understand you. You have all this love from all these sources and you still don't want it. You push people who care about you away. I hit the four year mark and that don't seem to mean a thing to you. You wanna be done with me, I can't stop ya. I can't make you love me and I sure as hell can't make you not love anyone else. My ADHD won't allow me to stop what's coming out of my mouth. I have it worse that 97% of other people my age and you were the only person who could see through that. You make a joke of me telling me to call you. I know you aren't going to answer me. I don't know what your going to do day to day. Sometimes you are sweet, then your sexy, next thing I know you're insulting and finally you become scarry as fuck. Are you going through some mental health shit on your own or are you really just moving on to Megan and telling me to fuck off. That didn't happen because you got mad at me one night for 15 minutes. But I got to have the relationship I wanted with you for a long time. It was good and you helped me through a lot. I'm so much stronger and more capable now than I was when I met you. I have grown immensely in our time together. I had really felt that you were making some great changes too. I see though that like me you can only hold your shit together for so long.
Im a good girl. I love long and hard. I don't give up. I forgive and forget. I try to be supportive and loving. I try to make you laugh and sometimes I make you cum. I have Integrity but I doubt you could even wrap your head around that. I wonder who you are on the phone with now. Who are you going to sleep with? It definitely isn't me,
stimes i think you intentionally antagonize me so you have an excuse for bailing out on me and leaving me out in the cold because you are busy with other girls right now. You feel guilty for what you are doing to me and so you pick at me until I get upset and you have an excuse to not talk to me. You heard me this morning. I was hurt, those tears were pain. I just want to go to sleep right now. You have worn me down.
Thursday, March 16, 2023
Wednesday, March 15, 2023
My Love
Tuesday, March 14, 2023
It's my fault
I know that you have good reason to want to end things. I know that I was so far out of line and that what I did is unacceptable. I don't want to do those things. I don't know why I do things like that. What did I get out of doing that? Nothing. What have I lost from doing that? Why would someone choose to lose the person they love most in the world? They wouldn't, I wouldn't. But I understand if enough is enough. I can't argue that.
What I've done so far to try to stop this and begin making amends (whether or not you want to be with me) I haven't gone back out on the chatline. I am not looking for you or listening to find out who you are talking to or what you are talking about. I am just trying to go on.
I can't change the fact that I fucked up. I wish I could. But I can stop it where it's at and do my best to make sure it doesn't happen again. That's the only thing I can do. I can stop participating in the anger and the fighting. I can stay off the chatline. I can take the sideline off my phone. I can continue to do what I've been taught to do. I can watch tv or a movie, I can sing, I can do a tiktok, I can suck my thumb, I can sleep, I can take a bath or clean something, I can have a snack, I can paint, I could get my ashes and try that do a little experiment with my ashes. There are so many things I can do.
Why didn't I do those things last night? I was too upset and I wasn't thinking the right way. That's it. I'm not going to make excuses or lie. I am just going to take responsibility for my actions and apologize. I'm sorry last night happened. I wish I could take it back or that I would have kept my mouth shut. There was a reason you denied that you were talking to me. I should have gone with it, but I didn't. Can't be changed. But that set everything else in motion.
But don't get this fucked up. Regardless of what you say, you know that I am not doomed to be with you. I have been with you because I love you and want to be with you. I have been with you because you make me laugh and because I make you laugh. I have been with you because of your guitar and meeko and our conversations. I have been with you because you are smart and again because you are funny as hell. I have been with you for so many reasons. Mushrooms and hail satan, reservation dogs and shoe painting, artists and photographers, illnesses and breakdowns and Love.
I love you. I hope that you calm down and that you can forgive me. I'm not sure what parts of that you are most upset over and although it matter's, it doesn't. I'm sorry for talking all that shit too. It's so frustrating because I don't want to be the person that does those things and says those things but then I am. I try really hard to make better choices and do things differently but sometimes it just isn't enough.
Sunday, February 26, 2023
Work Storage with the following items:
Email Subject Line: "PRIORITY Indeed Applicant – Brainfuse Math Coordinator"
Email Attachments:
- Resume
- A copy of your bachelor’s degree (or higher) or unofficial transcripts that show your qualifications for teaching mathematics
- Teaching License or Certificate (preferred, but optional)
Please share a detailed overview of your experience and skills that align with the requirements of the Math Coordinator role.
Also, confirm that you have the following equipment ready:
- Personal computer or laptop
- Fast and stable internet connection that can handle streaming for multiple devices
- Integrated or standalone microphone with clear audio output
Please state your availability (e.g. Mon - Fri, 10 AM – 1AM ET), whether you are looking to apply for the full time or part time position, and your earliest available start date.
We are looking to rapidly hire many Coordinators and can only review fully completed applications with all the components above. Please be prepared to complete and provide the typical pre-employment materials in case we decide to proceed with your application (W-4 Form, I-9 Form, I-9 Acceptable Documents, State Tax Withholding Form – if applicable, Direct Deposit Form and a voided check).
Thank you,
Kevin Nhieu
Program Manager
Saturday, February 25, 2023
What am I supposed to do
I don't know what I can do to make this better. I'm still on one. This has been very upsetting to me. I don't want to fight with you or lose you to Shasta. I love you and I always have, you know that. When I met the Mormon I felt like I was meeting the bigfoot or something. I feel like you should get me a shirt that says "I met the Mormon and lived to tell about it" For real. And I really wish that you could move on from it. It was a mistake fuel headed by the creature itself. He did it to cause problems for us, and here nearly 4 years later it is still causing us problems. I remember the next day you were just so mean and cold to me. And now all this stupid chatline stuff is coming back up in my life. I don't want this to be my life.
But then I think about you meeting Shasta and it's devastating to me. DEVASTATING! Is that how you feel about me meeting the Mormon? Does it make you sick to your stomach? I'm sorry. I'm so sorry if I've made you feel that way. I don't want you to feel bad. I don't want you to feel so betrayed and decieved. Having to wonder and worry about what we talked about, what we did with each other. I did a stupid thing. I didn't know it was going to be so upsetting to you at the time because you have so many girlfriends why would you care so much about me.
You know that I have worked hard to become a different person. To not need male attention to make myself feel ok. That I don't need to go on that chatline to make myself feel special or important. You did that for me. You made me realize that 1) I have to keep myself ok. I can't rely on anyone else, even you, to make me feel like I'm going to be ok. You make me feel good. I love you and I feel loved by you. I make you laugh sometimes. I hear you laugh sometimes. 2) I don't need that chatline to be ok. I can be ok, and actually more ok if I just stay off of there. That place is just full of wicked hurt.
I'm assuming you are super pissed at me now because of what I did earlier. I was so hurt. I was so angry and beside myself. I wasn't thinking, I was acting out of uncontrollable emotions because you told me that Shasta was coming to see you. I have put all my effort into changing my ways and becoming a better person. Yes, I went on the chatline tonight a few times but I didn't say a single word to anyone. Not that it matters but I didn't.
Wednesday, February 22, 2023
The Box
Friday, February 17, 2023
Tuesday, February 14, 2023
Monday, February 6, 2023
Friday, February 3, 2023
I'm sorry
I'm sorry. I wish I would have told you at the time but I was scared you were going to be upset. And I think I was right. I needed a place to go and it was all I could afford at the time. It was literally the ONLY place I could fine. I understand that you are upset with me. I wish we could just talk about it. I don't know if the shasta shit is true or not. I don't know for sure about anythinthg. I just can't fight with you. I love you and I don't want to say anything that is going to hurt you. I don't want you to hurt me either. I know I love you and you love me. I understand right now you might feel like you don't want to love me. I know that this could be a deal breaker. I don't know why I thought it was ok to tell you last night. That was a fucked up thing to do, to mention it like it was no big deal. Fuck me. seriously, sometimes I'm a fucking asshole. I just wish I had told you at the time but we were fighting so badly during that time. I was trying not to kill myself. I was and I'm sure you can remember that. I deserve to be punished. I just hope you can try to look at the situation I was in at the time and what my options were. I could have lived in my car. I love you and I don't want to fucking fight with you. I hope that there is a way that I can make amends to you. I miss you. I tried to answer the phone earlier but I still had gloves on and when I pulled my phone out it hung up. I'm so sorry if you're feelings are hurt or if you are angry. I will do whatever you need me to do.
Friday, January 27, 2023
so tired
Wednesday, January 25, 2023
hate me?
Tuesday, January 24, 2023
Monday, January 23, 2023
Wednesday, January 18, 2023
I'm sorry
Monday, January 16, 2023
I love you
Tuesday, January 10, 2023
what the fuck?
I have to clean
the last couple days
Friday, January 6, 2023
I Love You
Monday, January 2, 2023
This is the year it starts to pay off
Sunday, January 1, 2023
Happy New Year!
We weren't together for the new year. Close but no cigar. I was passed the fuck out. I wake up, think my phone is dead and have to drive my ass all the way across town just to discover that you never attempted to call me after midnight. My phone would have died anyway but boy, you could have at least tried to call me. 😪😭. Happy New Year. From work. I love you. 2:24 AM. I'll be heading back home now.