Movies. These things are huge in my life. I don't know how much other people invest in the couple of hours that a film takes them away but to me they mean so much. Movies are an escape, a way to deal with my problems, a way to bond with other people, and a way to define myself.
I am also very picky about the type of movies I see. In fact, if I were to be honest about things I would have to say that I am a movie snob. I love independent films. IFC is my favorite channel on television. I also love watching certain actors and actresses. I don't think I've ever seen a role that Parker Posey didn't pull off well, even if the movie was horrible. Same with Gary Oldman or a handful of other actors or actresses.
But occasionally I come across a movie with unknown actors. That movie has a story different than any other I've come across. It is not predictable, as I find most movies t
o be. The music is wonderful and the cinematography is unique. Yes, I pay attention to that kind of shit. It's the little things that make movies what they are. And I found a movie just like that tonight. We went to see slumdog millionaire and I was so blown away. The emotion that movie evoked in me is possibly unparalleled. The other thing I loved about this movie is that they have a message to convey and they aren't afraid to spell it out. Sometimes it is written.

I think the main reason I feel so connected to this movie is that this is the thing I have strived for in my whole life. I want to and attempt to live my life by this. If it is meant to be it will happen, if not it won't. I will have the job I am meant to, the friends I am meant to, the opportunities to do the things I am meant to do when I am meant to do them. And god willing the life partner I am meant to have when I am meant to have them.
I use the term life partner not because I am gay (not that there is anything wrong with that at all) but because this is what a husband would feel like to me. God has already chosen my path for me, when I find the right person to be with I will know that it will be someone that god sees fit for me to share my whole life with. Maybe not the length of it but certainly the depth of it. It will be someone that can truly appreciate everything about me. It is not something I am going to worry about anymore.
On another note, my thoughts this weekend are with a little boy I know. He was removed from his family today and I'm sure this weekend is going to be very hard for him. I will be praying for you little guy.
And finally, I am taking my girls to see legally blond the musical tomorrow. This is something we have been excited about and waiting for. I don't remember the last time my kids were this jazzed about anything. That's good for all of us. And it makes me feel like every once in awhile I do something right. I will add more on that later this weekend.
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