Monday, January 12, 2009

My First Day Here

I am going to attempt to write once a day although I know myself well enough to know it probably won't happen but that will be my goal.

But I guess this is an introduction to me. I am 34 years old, divorced with kids, work full time, take care of a house, have friends, enjoy lots of stuff, and am constantly trying to figure out how to be a better person.

I have been divorced for 3 years. My ex husband and I started living together when I was just 16 years old. We both came from broken and screwed up home lives and it wasn't a good situation for either one of us. He abused me physically, mentally, emotionally, and sexually. But I still loved him. After 14 years of struggling I took the children and left and started a new life on my own. That has been a very defining thing in my life and the choices I make everyday.

My girls are 10 and 12. Both of them are very smart and outgoing and prove to me everyday that I have made the right decisions for our family. They still see their father on a regular basis but they understand the upset between us because they were there. I hope that someday he will explain some kind of regret to them, but hasn't made that decision as of yet.

Now I work in a classroom setting with boys that have behavior problems. I enjoy my job tremendously. There is so much more that I want to do for my community but for now this makes me feel like I am contributing in some way.

I am here however to write. I use writing as a way to get my feelings out, figure out my future, work out my troubles past and present, and also a way to entertain myself in my down time. I suppose you'll see a little of all those things here. I am writing for myself not for you. Don't expect to see anything here that will be profound. It's just me doing my thing. I'm just glad I finally found a place where I can blog everyday.


  1. Excellent first post! I admire your honesty and courage. Keep it going :-)

  2. Thank you so much. It feels so good to just let some things out. So glad I came across you on twitter.
