I don't know why it happens. I find it rather upsetting, I feel that I've missed putting down so much of my life that was important.
About 8 months ago I started using livelinks again. Live links is a singles phone line in my area that is free for women. Through live links I started to get my nerve back. I dated a few guys, had some great sex, and then I met "him".

Him is a 23 year old hispanic boy that is now living with me. He is big and muscley, very strong. He can lift me above his head. He takes out the garbage and puts the gas in the car. Everything I ever wanted out of a man PLUS he doesn't hit me. In fact he is very good to me. He has taken his time getting to know my kids, at times this has been a bit awkward. I have done the same thing I always do with trying to push him away but it's not working this time.
He puts up with all my little quirks, calls me sexy ALOT, and has made BIG changes to satisfy my older than his lifestyle. A definite keeper, the biggest drawback is the guilt I feel for possibly stealing his youth. Ehhh, I guess I'm not that worried about it. He's stealing my "peak". But that's another blog.
Life is good.